How PayNearby Scaled to 25M Daily Transactions by Migrating to AWS

About PayNearby

PayNearby is one of the largest branchless banking and digital network systems in India. Operating on a B2B2C model, it partners with neighbourhood retail stores and enables them with the tools to provide digital and financial services to local communities. Through their tech-led DaaS (Distribution as a Service) network, they serve 75% of India.

Business Challenge

PayNearby’s Aadhar Enabled Payment System, processing 1 million daily transactions, faced scalability issues and high costs with its outdated infrastructure. The system struggled with frequent outages and slow processing times, risking customer trust and market share. With transaction volumes projected to increase significantly, PayNearby urgently needed a solution to improve reliability, enhance security, and reduce operational costs while ensuring compliance with financial regulations.


  • We were able to migrate our crucial application to AWS with minimal downtime by utilising the DRS service. 
  • The infrastructure was secured according to compliance standards using AWS Security Hub, for increased reliability.
  • Implemented an AEPS DR setup for high availability within the region.
  • Increased or decreased RDS instance based on customer needs for scalability.
  • Created two read replicas to reduce load on primary server for load management.
  • Archived large tables to improve query performance and reduce storage, and enabled automated backups for easy data restoration without loss.

Business Impact

  • Implemented a highly scalable infrastructure that can handle upto 25M transactions/day seamlessly. 
  • Improved AEPS performance upto 300%
  • Implemented AWS WAF to secure the environment from DDOS, and other cyber related attacks. 

Migrating to AWS reduced Infrastructure cost 40%.